Prayer? Is it as good as people say?

Prayer? Is it as good as people say?

Been thinking about prayer lately. For some of you that won’t come as a surprise.
Been thinking does prayer really work? Does it matter about what way You pray?


I’ve recently had a prayer answered that I’ve been praying for a long time and by long I mean about 7 years since I was 17 years old. I’ve been thinking back on that time of praying and I can’t say I’ve prayed a particular way or said a certain prayer that made a difference or made it right. Thinking about it I’ve probably prayed all the different ways I can think of about this particular thing. I don’t think I could imagine a different way of praying to God.

I have to admit I have been thinking about giving up on praying this prayer because I just though that okay maybe that it’s nots meant to be and I’m not meant to have that. ButGod doing only what God does best and that surprising us when we at least expect it. So I had question for God.

So why now? Why has God waited 7 years? Why didn’t God answer quicker or wait longer?
I’ve got loads of question and I’m sure I will think of more and more.

This is what I can say for certain that I know about God and prayer. It’s that he has amazing timing for everything and answers it maybe when we are ready for an answer and not when we thing I can say is that actually since God answer this prayer I’ve been praying more and more.

I think that what it is, that if we dedicate ourselves to praying for everything and anything that matters to us and devote ourselves to praying for something even when it is answered that God will honour us for our devotion but will answer in the most amazing and random ways that you can ever think is possible. Since this answer my prayer life has changed.

I think that God will answer prayers but only when we are ready to understand and God sees we are ready for such things. Maybe it was that I was ready before to have this prayer answer or maybe God saw this was the right time to answer it.

Those are just some of my thought towards God answer prayers and you will prob see that I’ve asked more questions that I’ve answered.

Blessing on your alley!


One comment on “Prayer? Is it as good as people say?

  1. have you thought maybe god doesnt exist? waiting 7 years is cruel. surely being omniscient he knew he was going to do it eventually but waited 7 years. what a dick. maybe you shouldnt waste your time beleiving in a god like that.

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